My Pages

Monday 2 May 2011

Working with Vellum

Hi Guys

I cant continue without talking about the weather - gorgeous again today!  I did some potting in the garden then lay under a tree for about 5 minutes before my 5 year old came to find me and ask me to play football with him BUT for that 5 minutes I felt like I was on holiday, blue skies and the leaves of the tree waving about above me, BLISS!

Amazingly enough, I did manage to fit in a little bit of craftiness.  My friend Gill sent me some pictures last night of things she has been making and I felt all inspired to be crafty although I'm not going down the Owl route today Miss Davidson.  I think Gill may either need to sharpen her Owl punch or get a new one soon due to overuse ;o))

Still in the spirit of Spring and Summer I made a flowery bright card which I hope you will like.  I have used velum over So Saffron then backed onto Certainly Celery.  The vellum has been run through the Big Shot using the Elegant Bouquet embossing folder.  I've then coloured the embossed flowers using my Whisper White Craft Ink and a blender pen.  Think its a really nice effect.

Its very difficult to see the sentiment as I've stamped this is White ink also

Ah here we go, you can see it a bit clearer here.

To make this card:

Card - Certainly Celery, So Saffron
Stamps - Wonderful, Favourite (US set)
Tools - Big Shot, Embossing folder Elegant Bouquet, Blender Pen
Embellishments - 1/4" Grosgrain Ribbon Certainly Celery
Inks - White Craft

Hope you like it and hope you are all getting to enjoy the sunshine.

Take Care


  1. Loving the card, and the mention! you've inspired me to get some vellum out too - i know i've got some somewhere!!!

  2. Excellent! Remember to pop me off a picture ;o)
