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Saturday 14 May 2011

Post it note holders

Hey Guys

Pretty stressful yesterday as no blogspot available and it also looked like I'd lost my most recent post.  Turns out they were working on it and I didn't lose my post.  I did however lose all my comments which is a shame.  At least we are all systems go today ;o)

Was outside selling raffle tickets for the pta today for the May Fair, when I left the house it was sunny and lovely but the minute I got outside (with no jacket) it clouded over and got pretty cold so I ended up chilled for an hour not ideal as already have a sore throat and have a gig tonight too, oh dear!

Alrighty these cute little post it note holders are super easy but excellent as a little gift.  I've used Elegant Soiree DSP to cover 2 beer mats, a piece of matching card stock inside and decorated the front using various punches and a letter from the Broadsheet Alphabet.

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