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Sunday 30 January 2011

Hi Stampers

Wow, busy busy week!  When I think back over what I've been doing though I cant quite remember half of it, you know the kind of week I'm talking about haha.  Anyway my hubby and I went to see The Kings Speech tonight which was great.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and think Chris did too.

This weeks card class was pirates and hearts, not your usual combo I'll grant you but I made it work....well, it worked cos it was 2 pirate cards and two valentine cards, bet I had you there!

I've used Because I Care which is a current Level 1 Hostess Set and although I wasn't sold on it straight away, after using it I'm definately a fan.  The flower is absolutely gorgeous but unfortunately my picture doesn't quite capture how detailed and lovely it is.

The colours used are the in colours Pear Pizzaz and Blushing Bride and I love them together.  It is a simple card but I like it a lot.

Alright I'm off to bed now, get my beauty sleep in for the week ahead.


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