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Tuesday 19 October 2010

Halloween Treats

Since it is almost the time for all things spooky I thought I would make a little treat for my son to take into his class on the last day before they break up for half term.  I decided to do a very simple design because I needed to do 32 at least.  Again the fabulous youtube came up trumps and I chose to do what the Americans call a 'Sour Cream Container'.  I'm from Glasgow and we would've have called the same thing a Jubilee - you bought the carton with orange juice inside and popped it into the freezer for a couple of hours then, voila, a jubilee!

Either way they are very cute and the perfect size for some treats to be popped inside, in this case some spooky Haribo with a Halloween sticker on the outside.

I should also mention that I crimped either side along the folds which not only makes it look better is also gives a stronger hold to the glue.

See ya


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